Best Carnivorous Grow Lights

All lights found in this section are tailed towards carnivorous plants and can be used for any of the following Venus fly trap grow light, pitcher plant light or a sundew grow light. If you are in the market for the best led grow light for carnivorous plants then continue readings.

When looking for the best led grow light for carnivorous plants you will be spoilt for choice. The market for Carnivorous grow lights is growing ever year as more and more people search for artificial light for carnivorous plants. However its worth noting that not all carnivorous grow lights are made the same and the light output can change drastically from brand to brand.

when looking for a grow light its crucial that you take into account the number of plants you plan to house indoors and the space the grow lights will require. The best grow light for single Venus fly trap wont offer the same coverage for cluster of pitcher plants.

We have complied a list below with the best grow lights for carnivorous plants from grow lights we have personally tested and recommend. The grow lights in this list may seem more expensive at first when compared to other LED Grow light brands on amazon but like anything in life not everything is made the same. You will notice for example the grow lights we recommend all have Samsung diodes, while other vendors sell unmarked LEDs, feel free to browse amazon reviews but you will see quality issues on almost all grow lights that are powered by unknown manufactured LEDs.

What light do Carnivorous Plants need?
Firstly, light is made up of different colors and produced in different wavelengths of energy for photosynthesis plants require a light spectrum between 400 and 700 nm. This can be broken down into the following:

Violet, Blue ( 400-520 nm) – this helps in aiding leafy growth and the conducting of photosynthesis and normally aids in vegetable growth.
Green, Yellow, Orange (520-600 nm) – Used for energy transfer of photosynthesis and protection from over-exposure
Red (600-700 nm ) – This is required for photosynthesis and promoting in the fruit and flower production of carnivorous plants.

When looking for a carnivorous grow light the most important factor is the Spectral Distribution Curve (SDC) as this provides the PAR wavelengths produced by said grow lights. Data such as Kelvin and CRI are not as important and are more tailored towards human perception, but do hold helpful data. In short when looking at a grow light the CRI ratings will tell you how accurate the light is compared to sunlight While kevlin refers to the overall color of light that the grow light will produce.

The best grow light for carnivorous plant growers:

With all that being said here are the Grow lights we recommend for Carnivorous plants, all these grow lights are sold in the UK.

SF1000 by Spider Farmer
Spider farmer SF 1000 – The spider farmer SF 1000 is an impressive grow light and offers the best Lux to wattage ratio on our recommend list. The light uses around 100w of power, based on UK prices you can expect to pay around £10 in electricity costs to light the plants for 15 hours per day.

The SF 1000 has Samsung diodes giving it a extremely long shelf life. It also has a light dimmer to aid in reducing the light output during winter which is crucial for carnivorous plants. Personally a light that has a dimming function to mimic seasons will always be a welcome feature for Carnivorous Plants.

With all that being said this light really requires a grow tent to go along with it and would be more catered towards someone looking to grow a number of carnivorous plants indoors.

Spider Farmer offers a number of grow tents and if you have the space we do recommend picking one up as the light output from this light is extremely bright, the grow light will also warm the grow tent by 1-2c helping the plants keep warm and removing the winter chills and help in keeping the plants at the optimal growing conditions.

Luxx Clone Light by Luxx
Second on our list is the LUXX Clone Light by LUXX this grow light is again offers a full spectrum and uses Samsung diodes like the SF 1000 however its light output is lower and more on par with T5 bulbs it also users less electricity coming in at 18W which would cost the average UK grower £2.00 per month in electrical costs. The lights are long and would require a space of 120cm to house. This LED Grow light is well suited for those on a budget.

yescom 225
The yescom 225 is a very popular choice of grow light within the Carnivorous growing community the yescom 225 has a retail price of £40 and uses only 22w. While we have not personally tested this light other growers report good plant growth. Based on the wattage and price tag the light is a good entry point for growers looking to add more light to there carnivorous plants.

Phlizon 2022
The same cannot be said about the Phlizon 2022, this grow light has a retail price of £75 but the light output vastly under performs vs the SF1000. You can of course upgrade the Phlizon 2022 to the 900w or 1200W grow light in which both are on par with the Spider Farmer 1000 in terms of light output however if you take a look at the wattage you will notice its double on the 900w and triple on the 1200w grow lights meaning to run these lights will cost you an extra £10-£20 per month.

Looking for something smaller?
All the above grow lights are tailored towards larger carnivorous plant setups. As we said at the start of this guide these may not be the best LED grow lights for a single Venus flytrap. Therefore if your looking at just keeping one or two plants such as a little sundew plant or Venus flytrap then we suggest the following:

Compact LEDs – SANSI 15W Grow Light
This lightbulb is perfect for small growing spaces such as a terrarium or single pot setup the compact LEDs the SANSI 15W Grow Light works perfect for carnivorous plants and can be placed into a Clip-on Desk Light Bulb Holder and attached to a side table or draw.
This light bulb users around 15w of power and would cost around £1.50 per month to light the carnivorous plants with a retail price of £15 + £10 for a clip on holder its very kind on the pocket.

We hope you found this guide helpful should you have any questions feel free to contact us.

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