Venus Flytrap

Venus Fly Trap for Sale Online

Buy Venus Fly Traps the ultimate Fly Catcher Plant. Browse our shop to find Venus fly trap for sale along with Venus fly trap seeds and starter kits.

If you have only ever heard of one carnivorous plant, it’s likely the Venus flytrap. Easily the most
widely known and represented in media, the plant resembles a large mouth: usually bright green
on the outside and magenta on the inside. However, different cultivars do produce color
variations. Tentacles extending upward from the bottom and down from the top add the illusion
of giant teeth. Unlike some of its more innocuous-looking carnivorous plant cousins, the
Dionaea muscipula looks like it should eat things! And while it gets its name fly eating plants from the fact that it
is indeed a plant that eats flies, the Venus Flytrap consumes many insect protein sources from
ants to grasshoppers to spiders.

Venus Flytraps are not the easiest carnivorous plants to grow, but that does not mean beginner
plant owners should be scared away. Instead, like any prospective carnivorous plant “parent,” a
little planning and research will help you keep your Dionaea muscipula in tip-top shape.
To start with, you’ll want to ensure you’ve planted your Venus Flytrap in the proper soil. You can
get a detailed description of the appropriate soil and water conditions here, but put simply, you
will want a bog-like soil mixture that is easily kept moist.

Next, you’ll want to ensure adequate growing conditions. Venus Flytraps prefer moderate
climates with ample humidity. Perhaps one of the reasons they are found in so few places in the
wild is how particular they are about their environment. During the day, they prefer temperatures
between 22-24 celsius and no colder than 13 celsius overnight. They need at least 60 percent
humidity which makes them excellent candidates for greenhouses or terrariums. Keeping them
around other plants, a shallow dish with stones and water, or even a humidifier can help ensure
optimal humidity levels if you don’t wish to grow your Dionaea muscipula in a terrarium.
Make sure to place your Venus Flytrap where it can get plenty of sunlight. In most of the UK,
you’ll want to put it in a southern-facing window where it can receive plenty of direct light. If you
live in warmer climates or are lucky enough to have a greenhouse, your plant will also do well in
a sunny eastern or western facing window. Trapped in a studio flat whose only window is facing
north? Your plant will get adequate light from a proper growing lamp, such as a T5 fluorescent

As carnivorous plants, your Dionaea muscipula will need actual feeding rather than fertilizer. If it
is not in an environment likely to naturally present them with a regular insect diet, you need to
provide that. This can be done by trapping live insects and spiders or purchasing freeze-dried.
Lastly, you’ll want to ensure a period of dormancy in winter. Temperatures in their native
environment frequently drop below freezing during the winter, and you will want to mimic this
pattern. Ensure they are protected from the elements by keeping them in your garage, garden
shed, or unheated greenhouse

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